Welcome Sachsen-Anhalt Region of Learning!

Welcome Sachsen-Anhalt Region of Learning!

Our city/region

Saxony-Anhalt, located in central Germany, has a population of 2.23 million, making it the 10th-largest by population, being mostly a rural area. The biggest cities are its capital Magdeburg and the city Halle(Saale) in the south of Saxony-Anhalt (both ca. 230.000 inhabitants). In Saxony-Anhalt during the last years there has been a focus on growth and development in the field of international youth work.

Our focus

With the network of this platform we especially focus on promoting international mobility opportunities for young people and activities of international youth work as well as on informing about opportunities for civic international and intercultural engagement.

Our platform

Sachsen-Anhalt Region of learning platform provides:

  • Access point for young people in the region for joining international and local commitment opportunities 
  • Guide for young people willing to explore international learning experiences
  • Wide range of information and playlists about international learning, which help to find information and consultation points in the regions, to explore concrete offers abroad, to get in touch with other already experienced young people in the region and for preparing for their own time abroad
  • Opportunities for joining activities and exploring offers together with other young people from the region and becoming active on a local level

Our potential

Our platform has the potential to become a permanent information service, which includes opportunities of youth-work and commitment in the region and abroad. In order to become sustainable, the platform wants to focus on providing information about permanently existing activities mixed with one-time only events. In this way, in the future, the platform can be a one-stop-access point which guides young people on their way finding opportunities for getting involved in the region or abroad, which fit to their needs and interests. 

Our recommendations

  • Involve young people in the whole process, especially when it comes to the creation of playlists (what is their interest and need?) – the results will open your eyes
  • Think about a focus already in the preparation of the platform and define what kind of activities should be in
  • Use a common communication and terminological standard on the platform with all partners
  • Make a concrete plan for data protection and define clearly what kind of information you want to publish and collect, check also whether the publication of those information is supported by your future partners (logos, title pictures)

Involved organisations

  • GOEUROPE Europäisches Jugend Kompetenz Zentrum / DRK Landesverband Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.
  • Europäische Jugendbildungsstätte Magdeburg,
  • IB Mitte gGmbH Sachsen-Anhalt

Download a poster about our Region of Learning here


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