Quality label for badge recognition

In this project, we aim to establish a quality standard for Open Badges issuers seeking better quality and wider recognition of learning activities and outcomes.

Six Cities of Learning partners will lead and pilot Quality label for badge recognition developments. Partners consortium. Breakthrough Foundation (the Netherlands) – lead partner, TiPovej! (Slovenia), Nectarus (Lithuania), Assonur Association (Sardinia, Italy),  Nexes (Spain), BalkanIdea Novi Sad (Serbia).




  1. Better badge recognition in youth policies and practices at local and European levels
  2. Develop country-specific and the European badge recognition strategies
  3. Capacity of youth workers to multiply digital badge recognition locally
  4. Develop the Quality Label for digital badge recognition and accreditation

Implementation activities

Researching recognition systems, developing countries-specific and European badge recognition strategies, and stakeholder engagement (locally and at the European level).
International certification training on digital badge recognition, local multiplying workshops, international expert seminars on wider recognition, online learning activities and resources (pathways).
Analysing quality standards, piloting Quality Label standards for badge recognition, and technical solution to implement Quality Label.


Research and analysis of recognition systems and quality standards.
6 country-specific and 1 European badge recognition strategies and stakeholder engagement.
Developed a standard training certification programme on digital badge recognition.
Developed standard multiplying activities, digital learning activities and resources on quality badge recognition.
Expert recommendations for wider badge recognition.
Piloted Quality Label standard for Badge issuers, incl. documentation and technical solution.


The project is funded by the European Union through the ERASMUS+ programme.

Badge recognition strategies

We will create badge recognition strategies that are country-specific and a shared European strategy for broader recognition of learning activities and outcomes within and beyond non-formal learning and youth work. Furthermore, by 2025, we’re going to have increased our network capacity to operate jointly by consolidating efforts on and impacting local, regional, national and European non-formal learning and youth work recognition policies and practices. More specifically, partners will:

  • research and map national and European validation and recognition systems and solutions (for example, Youthpass, Nefiks, ImProve, National Volunteering Service, etc.).
  • develop countries-specific badge recognition strategies
  • develop a shared European badge recognition strategy
  • facilitate the stakeholders’ engagement on badge recognition strategies locally and at the European levels.
Badge recognition capacity building
We will design and implement badge recognition capacity building that is high-quality in content and with standard recommended programme and methodology for training and certification of youth workers, trainers and coaches specialised in digital badge recognition.

More specifically, partners will:

  • develop and implement international training and certification of youth workers, trainers and coaches specialized in digital badge recognition;
  • develop and implement local multiplier workshops on digital badge recognition for learning providers;
  • develop and implement an international expert seminar on wider badge recognition;
  • create digital learning activities and resources (pathways) to support multiplying activities, including creating designs for digital pathways (worksheets, templates, tools, etc.).
Badge quality label

We will develop the badge quality label for badge issuers, their activities and badges to establish a shared quality standard and procedures. More specifically, partners will:

  • analyse examples of how quality standards are established and implemented in similar fields of recognition;
  • create and pilot the Quality Label standard and procedures for Badge Issuers;
  • implement the technical solution to use the Quality Label on the Cities of Learning platform;
  • design and develop Quality Label checklists, worksheets and guides.